The main goal for MASEF is to get our Districts a little more money each year so that they can work on improving the schools.
Here are pictures from this year’s Distributions, as well as what the money is being used for:
District 154 (High School) is using its $15,634.21 donated funds to update the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program equipment. They will also put some of the funds toward their PRIDE group. (2023)
District 165 (Locust, Grant, and MCMS) is using its $18,806.97 donated funds towards upgrading its band room. The program is growing and they are hoping to accommodate the ever-growing program.
District 18 (Riley) is using its $4,644.35 donated funds to purchase playground equipment. (2023)
District 154 (High School) is using its $15,425.98 donated funds to purchase furniture in non-classroom public areas. (2022)
District 165 (Locust, Grant, and MCMS) is using its $18,528.57 donated funds to upgrade the outdoor electronic sign and update non-instructional student furniture in hallways and office areas. (2022)
District 18 (Riley School) is using its $4,610.40 donated funds to purchase items for its outdoor learning area. (2022)